By Datin T.D. Ampikaipakan
Living in a multi-ethnic and global business environment, it isn't enough to just know a lot about your area of expertise anymore.
The ability to get along with people within and outside your organisation, the demonstration of good manners and the skill of making people feel comfortable is becoming extremely important for corporate dynamism. Without these basic business skills, we not only risk losing customers and their goodwill but also the support of our work team.
Think of that time when you were "not right" when you made a comment. Think of the worst faux pas you have ever committed or witnessed. Have you not cringed in horror when your colleague embarrassed you in front of a client?
Now think of someone who handled an impossible client with great panacheor got through a tough situation merely because good manners were demonstrated and the client felt that he was "handled right."
But many of us believe that we already know how to dress, how to eat, how to say hello or even talk on the phone. So what's the big deal? Why do we need to study these skills any further? I give you three motives:
1. You create an image when you present yourself to your best advantage.
For instance, your attire may be the reason why you have not been invited to join management circles. Your manners show how others perceive you - whatever your position in the company. How often have we said, "My goodness, I don't know how we can ever promote her."
Your lack of social graces may also cost you an important client.
2. You were not thought the proper code of conduct in school. After all, has anyone ever sat for an examination on social or business etiquette in school or college?
It is also possible that your parents and teachers did not stress the importance of social rules in the midst of the stress of academic examination.
3. We live in an evolving world where the rules of behaviour are changing.
Today's business setting has changed. Women hold jobs that were once held by men. People with disabilities, minorities and foreigners have joined our work force. You now, more than ever, need good manners, to Get It Right within the social and business framework.
Good manners will go along way in eliminating behaviour that many may consider insensitive, racist, sexist or even prejudicial or discriminatory.
Anyone who wants a successful career cannot deny the importance of good manners and social skills in the conduct of day-to-day business.
Your technical skills may be par excellence but if you have hopes of moving up into managerial post, you will require very strong interpersonal skills. It cannot be denied that good manners help alleviate even the most stressful corporate situation.
I have heard many remarks emphasising the fact that social and business etiquette is not as vital as the bottom line of a company's financial statement. But I'll have those who make such statements know that without good manners and a knowledge of business savoir faire, the corporate life of their organisation is in jeopardy.
Do they not know that courtesy keeps clients and gets new ones?
Do they not know that business etiquette improves the morale and work life of their staff, thereby reducing turnover?
Do they not realise that a courteous, well-mannered person will rise quickly up the corporate ladder, while a bad mannered colleague will hit a glass ceiling?
Do not underestimate the power of politeness. It can help us make our career path a fairly smooth one.
We are often judged by our behaviour both in social and business circles. Everything we do is a reflection of our upbringing and environment. Therefore, the person who aims for corporate success must display self-confidence, poise, knowledge and the ability to "get along with people."
We are in the "people business" whether we provide a product , a service or both - as the following remarks made by two senior executives demonstrate.
Said one: "Being able to work with others is the single most important characteristic a junior executive can have. I can always buy specialised knowledge, but it is sometimes a problem to find someone with good people sense, an ability to communicate well with others, to build workers' self-esteem."
Said the other: "I don't care how intelligent my managers are, what I need most are people with people knowledge."
So - Get It Right!